Code dependencies

Many web apps need access to libraries via language-specific package managers like pip, npm, and so on.

Supported by the platform stack

If you are using a "platform stack" that has built-in support for downloading dependencies, like the Meteor stack or the Python stack, then you can expect vagrant-spk to handle downloading and installing these dependencies for you. Specifically:

  • The uwsgi stack creates a virtualenv in the env directory within the app's code directory (/opt/app/env inside Vagrant) and, if a requirements.txt is present, does `pip install -r requirements.txt' into the virtualenv.

  • The meteor stack uses the meteor build process to create a Meteor bundle.

  • The lemp (PHP) stack looks for composer.json in the app directory and, if present, downloads and runs composer.phar to download the dependencies listed in composer.json.

Beyond the platform stack

If you need to install extra Debian packages, such as PHP extensions or headers like libxml2-dev, you can add commands to your package's

If you are creating your own platform stack, based on the DIY stack, you will likely also need to customize